Thursday, September 18, 2008

Seriously! Is that my ass????

I had NO IDEA my ass was that big......I was in the dressing room and you know how there are mirrors all around and I got a glimpse and I thought there was someone in the room with me.....It was shocking.. I know that I put too much pressure on myself to be thin. I just dont know what happened, I guess it is just getting older. I used to be able to eat whatever I wanted and get no exercise and still remain a size 4. I'm with you gingy on the salad thing. It only tastes good with all the bad stuff on it... Maybe we could start dancing down the aisles at blockbuster. I think the customers would like that, maybe even give us tips!!!!!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Favorite Low-Cal, Low-Carb, Low-Points Foods

Thought I'd start a thread.

What are your favorite low-everything foods? For me - I've been enjoying the Progresso 0-1 point soups. I love my Boca burgers (1 WW point for 14g of protein). I also love my FatFree hotdogs (1 WW point). I eat those mini-carrots like they're the last thing to eat on earth. They cause some digestive problems but they're 0 points so worth the pain. We've been eating a lot of the fake crabmeat from Wal-Mart. Don't know how many points but really good. Salad's are free when using WW points - I love my salads.

My nemesis is starchy/comfort foods - I could live on mashed potatoes.

I look forward to what works for each of you.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let's Get Physical!

As we know eating right alone will not bring us to where we need to be so what is everyone doing for excercise? Personally I haven't done anything unless thinking about my next meal counts, haha. I did manage to clean my house some last night which should count for something.

I think most of us are in the same boat - too busy to find the time to work-out. I think we should brainstorm some easy exercises we can do to fit our busy life styles. Any and all suggestions are welcomed.

Does anyone know of any excercises that can be done while I sit on my rear 7 hours a day at work? I thought about doing lunges down the hallways but I might look a little ridiculous.

I gained two pounds! WTF?

I guess this is why they tell you not to weigh yourself everyday. This is just depressing. Although I am sure it was from the "salad" I ate yesterday. I guess it doesn't matter if you choose to eat salad over pizza if it is loaded with bacon, cheese, and dressing. Oh well, maybe I will crap it all out today. Maybe that will bring me back down to where I was yesterday.

Thought: If throwing up your food to lose weight is bulimia, what is it called when you poop excessively to lose weight? Is that considered an eating disorder?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How many outfits did you try on today?

Today I only tried on two pairs of pants before I went with my favorite loose fitting black slacks. I am looking forward to the day when everything in my closet fits my body and looks good everytime. I am looking forward to buying trendier outfits and pushing my basic blah clothing aside. This day cannot come soon enough. Right now I feel like my clothes do not fit my personality because I am too scared to wear the clothes that fit me. Whenever I lose weight will someone please nominate me for "What Not to Wear" so I can get a free shopping spree and fashion advice?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

10 Reasons to Drink Water

For those of you like me who LOVE soda this might help you understand the benefit of water. I guess I better go get my drink on!

1. Water is absolutely essential to the human body’s survival. A person can live for about a month without food, but only about a week without water.

2. Water helps to maintain healthy body weight by increasing metabolism and regulating appetite.

3. Water leads to increased energy levels. The most common cause of daytime fatigue is actually mild dehydration.

4. Drinking adequate amounts of water can decrease the risk of certain types of cancers, including colon cancer, bladder cancer, and breast cancer.

5. For a majority of sufferers, drinking water can significantly reduce joint and/or back pain.

6. Water leads to overall greater health by flushing out wastes and bacteria that can cause disease.
7. Water can prevent and alleviate headaches.

8. Water naturally moisturizes skin and ensures proper cellular formation underneath layers of skin to give it a healthy, glowing appearance.

9. Water aids in the digestion process and prevents constipation.

10. Water is the primary mode of transportation for all nutrients in the body and is essential for proper circulation.

Fat Pics ~

Here we go ladies... Let's put em out there! I mean pictures... No this isn't how to look good Naked!!!

I know I have some great ones that will motivate me. When we went to the beach in August I thought for sure I had avoided the cameras... I was wrong and it didn't help that I wore black. As a matter of fact I thought for sure if I kept looking at the picture I'd see a dorsal fin on my back. Not to mention I sware someone yelled "Free Willy"

Once we've reached our goal we can look back and laugh.

What is the most ridiculous diet you have tried?

Now it is time for some fun - what is the most ridiculous diet you have ever tried? I am sure we have all stopped and started hundreds of diets. What was the weirdest one you tried out? How long did they last and were they successful at all?

Week One Weigh In

Do we want to do a weekly weigh in just like a regular WW meeting?

Ginger - 157.4
My goal for week one - 3.4 pounds

Has anyone ever been to a WW meeting to know what else we could mention every week to help us?

Welcome Skinny Ladies!

I am so glad that I have all of you here for support!

Together we will be be successful - even if we lose all of our weight by laughing at each other.

I will start off by saying that I have been trying to lose weight since I was a teenager. I was always the "fat" friend. And honestly I don't think I was even fat. My friends just happened to weigh 80 pounds soaking wet. When I turned 20 I said for my 21st birthday I was going to be hitting up the bars smoking hot! Didn't happen. A year before my wedding I said I was going to be smoking hot! Didn't happen. Now I am serious! This is my time. I am going to make it happen this year!

Currently I weigh 157.4 pounds. My goal weight is anywhere between 120 and 135. I would be happy within that range.

Please use this blog to post about your triumphs, setbacks, funny stories, inspirational quotes, personal growth, excercises, recipes, and anything else that is on your mind. I am hoping that with each other we can not only lose the weight so we can breathe in our jeans again but also realize that fat or skinny we are beautiful women regardless.

Good luck!

Ginger aka future skinny biatch!