Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome Skinny Ladies!

I am so glad that I have all of you here for support!

Together we will be be successful - even if we lose all of our weight by laughing at each other.

I will start off by saying that I have been trying to lose weight since I was a teenager. I was always the "fat" friend. And honestly I don't think I was even fat. My friends just happened to weigh 80 pounds soaking wet. When I turned 20 I said for my 21st birthday I was going to be hitting up the bars smoking hot! Didn't happen. A year before my wedding I said I was going to be smoking hot! Didn't happen. Now I am serious! This is my time. I am going to make it happen this year!

Currently I weigh 157.4 pounds. My goal weight is anywhere between 120 and 135. I would be happy within that range.

Please use this blog to post about your triumphs, setbacks, funny stories, inspirational quotes, personal growth, excercises, recipes, and anything else that is on your mind. I am hoping that with each other we can not only lose the weight so we can breathe in our jeans again but also realize that fat or skinny we are beautiful women regardless.

Good luck!

Ginger aka future skinny biatch!


Renae said...

I feel ya on the 'fat' friend. The funny part is that, looking back, I really wasn't THAT big... I just was, compared to everyone else! If we only knew what was going to happen, right? Haha... Suddenly being 140 lbs in high school isn't such a big deal.

Brit said...

Omg I believe Ranae read my mind on that one.. I thought I was an elephant in highschool... I was 130 most of the time and even dipped to 125 but bc my friends were 100 and skinny as anything. Standing next to them I felt Ginormous... I'd give my right foot to be that size again haha...

reiadm said...

Why did we feel like elephants? I think there's a really deeper thought here. I showed my husband my wedding ring tonight (from 15 years ago) that doesn't fit now and lovingly accused him of making it not fit anymore (he cooks realy good and promised to "nourish me" in 1993). Well he did a bang up job and now I want my ring re-sized.

So - I ask again - why did we feel like elephants? Why didn't we just say - I like who I am?

From one who feels the same way.