Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What is the most ridiculous diet you have tried?

Now it is time for some fun - what is the most ridiculous diet you have ever tried? I am sure we have all stopped and started hundreds of diets. What was the weirdest one you tried out? How long did they last and were they successful at all?


Renae said...

I did Suzanne Somers diet. It actually worked really well... BUT, like the Atkins diet... it messes up your metabolism so that if you ever fall off the bandwagon, your weight is going to rise like a balloon.

SS's diet consists of dropped a lot of the 'un'natural items (like artifical sugars and over processed foods). When you work with more naturals, you can eat about any amount of fats or starches you just aren't allowed to mix them in the same time frame.
For example... want pasta? Go for it... just whatever you do, you CANNOT put a fat on it, which most sauces have, including butter.
Want a steak? Sure! Its a protein/fat. Do not mix a starch/carb.

It worked... but like I said... it really messes with your metabolism and its one of those diets that definitely has to be a lifetime commitment. You can't sneak or cheat, because it reverses your good deeds. At least with Weight Watchers, you have extra points and everything is an option...

Anonymous said...

I tried the cabbage soup diet and it was awful and did things to your body that no one should experience. Brit and I are on the Idiot Proof diet it's an 11 day diet, which works well for us. The toughest day is today ~ we only get fruit and one sandwich. The next nine days aren't too bad. Then for 3 days you can eat whatever you want. Then repeat the diet again. Usually by day 4 you can really tell a difference.

Brit said...

Craziest Diet? I went on an all carrot diet in highschool... Lost 10lbs in just days however what they say about your skin turning orange is true... and now I can barely eat carrots unless they are drenched in ranch... a shameful amount of ranch...

My mom did this one too.. the cabbage soup diet haha. It works and the soup is good for the first like day and then it's down hill from there.

Brit said...

yea I'm just now remembering how much I loath fruit day. Not only am I hungry 15 min. after I eat but I crave foods unbelievably but once day two is over it's not to bad...

Ginger said...

This is why I am glad we are doing this. Ya'll are hilarious! I want to see a picture of Umpa Lumpa (spelling?) Brittani after her carrot diet.

I have tried several diets - the one I remember most was the "Fat Smash" diet. It is similar to south beach where you detox your body out. By the second day the only thing I was smashing was a burger in my mouth. I can't do diets where I am restricted to only certain foods. Just eating nuts and berries doesn't work for me. I may try the 11 day diet again but I have a feeling that WW is going to be the only thing that I will be consistent with.

I do believe the worst diet ever invented was the shake diet. SERIOUSLY - who can just have a slim fast for breakfast and lunch? Honestly?

Brit said...

I went on a form of a shake diet with my old roomate Kim.. after seeing her lose like 40lbs on it I thought well I'll just do this... 300 dollars later its on my door step. I was SO Excited bc after all this was my ticket to skinnydom.. well day three I had had enough and it takes three days for you to even start losing weight as it is.

The meals for the record, were shakes, soups, puddings, rice packets, chile and snack bars. Now it all came in packets like freeze dried something people at NASA eat I'm sure. And once I had a few of the selections I realized the chile tasted like the orange milkshake, and well it all tasted the same. needless to say I quit. not to mention I decided to have a couple of drinks while I was on it two drinks in it was like I had just done a keg stand and tapped out the whole thing. You would think I drank the whole bar. All bc my caloric intake was nothing while I was doing the diet. I'll never do that again....

Brit said...
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reiadm said...

I think I've tried them all. Here's my summary: South Beach worked but I started cramping and freaked out. Plus - eat some bran or you'll be in sad shape.

DASH diet - pretty good & healthy.

Weight Watchers - still my favorite because alcohol is allowed. Enough said.

Banana diet - too wierd.